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With the code being worked on as we type around the desks of CASA and digital urban, and with preparations going on around the partner institutions of Brunel, Dundee, Edinburgh College of Art and Salford University – Tales of Things enters beta in just a few days:

Any object, any media, geolocated with the ability to read/write – what will you tag? Going to FutureEverything? TalesofThings are there as a featured artist.

TalesofThings – its a memory thing, you can follow developments on Twitter…


  • Gam says:

    Can’t follow on tweet (corporate censorship) but this would be fabulous for tagging/archiving/attributing paintings and art ….

    one tag could then let people leave comments on a painting specific blog… see the changing interpretations of aesthetics over the years …no more titles in the gallery, just the labelink on the wall, wonder what data a curator/restorer would want included ….

    is the price point feasible? Can it be embossed for the blind to know that it exists -maybe a discrete beep sent to the “inow” device, people could leave notes to themselves, or others like dogs sniffing their territory markers ….we live within the computer now

  • Smithee says:

    Yep thats the kind of application we hope people will use it for – as for the price point, its free 🙂

    Access for the blind is high on our list as well, we will have news soon as we can.

    Thanks for the comment.


  • brain says:

    This is kind of the opposite of what I need.

    Usually when I have a possession in my hand, I already know all I need to about it. I think that’s why Google’s “Goggles” program isn’t more than a curiosity to me.

    The problem I have is actually storing and then retrieving objects. If I could just store objects in ramdom bins, and then have a system for finding the objects when needed (as in Cory Doctorow’s “Makers”), I’d be very happy.

    But I think that would require, at a minimum, RFIDs. And even better would be a GPS receiver for every item so that it knows where it is. We need more Moore’s Law time to pass by.

  • 念阿彌陀佛往生西方極樂世界 says:

    阿彌陀佛 無相佈施


    之為腥。所謂「葷腥」即這兩類的合稱。 葷菜
    (重定向自五辛) 佛家五葷



    興渠另說為洋蔥。) 肉 蛋 奶?!

    念楞嚴經 *∞窮盡相關 消去無關 證據 時效 念阿彌陀佛往生西方極樂世界

    不婚 不生子女 生生世世不當老師

    log 二0.3010 三0.47710.48 五0.6990 七0.8451 .85
    root 二1.414 1.41 三1.732 1.73五 2.236 2.24七 2.646
    =>十3.16 π∈Q’ 一點八1.34

  • Good post, Here is a post I developed as part of a series titled The Internet of Things. It is surprising that QR codes have taken this long to reach America and be adopted by the advertising crowd. Apparently, they don’t know a good thing when they see it.

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