3D Agents3D MaxAgent Based Modelling Agents in the City: First Steps to Crowd Based Architectual Modelling Yesterday we posted about roads in 3d models and how small details begin to bring…Andy8 April 2008
3D Max3D Modelling3DS MaxCrysis Road Networks: Bringing 3D Greeble Cities to Life Our Greeble City Tutorial provides a walk through on how to quickly and easily create…Andy7 April 2008
3D Max3D ModellingHow To'sTutorial Greeble a 3D City: Tutorial 2: The Cityscape A city can be constructed using 3D Studio Max in under 5 minutes using the…Andy17 March 2008
3D Max3D ModellingGreeble Extruding a City: Greeble is not just for SciFi When using 'Greeble' techniques it is all to easy to slip into 'Futuristic City' mode…Andy5 March 2008
3D Max3D ModellingFantasy ArchitectureHow To'sTutorial Greeble a 3D City: Tutorial 1: Greeble Skyscraper Greebles became a core part of our 'Fantasy Architecture City' a few years back -…Andy3 March 2008
3D MaxCrysisFantasy ArchitectureMod Cities in the Crysis Sandbox Editor Our city - built as part of the Fantasy Architecture project - is normally our…Andy29 February 2008
3D Max3D WarehouseArchitectural VisualisationCrysisSketchUp Google 3D Warehouse: Importing into Crysis The latest in our series of posts on importing into the Crysis Sandbox looks at…Andy31 January 2008
3D Max3D ModellingArchitectural VisualisationCrysisSandboxSketchUp London in Crysis: Update 3 Tower Bridge, Swiss Re & The Sandbox An update post and movie detailing our progress on importing our Virtual London model into…Andy29 January 2008
3D Max3D ModellingCrysis Crysis London Eye – Screen Grab Time has got the better of us this evening but the test import of the…Andy22 January 2008
3D Max3D ModellingCrysis Crysis London Eye – Screen Grab Time has got the better of us this evening but the test import of the…Andy22 January 2008