Due to various emails asking ‘where is xxx’ we have added four more cities to the Tweet-o-Meter which means more data to collect and analyse. Is it true that, New York is the city that never sleeps? Do Londoners send more Tweets than New Yorkians’? Is Oslo a bigger Tweeter than Munich? Is Tokyo into Tweets as much as Barcelona? Has San Francisco calmed down after that
Apple Event?
The Tweet-o-Meter measures the amount of tweets (measured in Tweets per Minute or TPM) received from various locations around the world. The gauges are updated every second giving you a live view of the TPM’s in each location.
Tweet-o-Meter is designed to mine data for later analysis relating to furthering our understanding of social and temporal dynamics for e-Social Science within the Twitter demographic. The system is under development here at CASA as part of a wider survey tool as part of the NeISS project in association with Urban Tick and coded by Steven Gray.
See yesterdays introduction to Tweet-o-Meter post for full details and the music video behind the original choice of cities or head direct to the Eight Cities Head-to Head Tweet-o-Meter Page.
It would be even better if the data could also be presented on seismograph-style plots so that intra-day trends could be seen – which would snow when the “Twitter day” starts and ends for each city.
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