animated shortArchitectural Animation CG Animated Short: Going Green Going Green is a 4minute animated short created by Thiago S. Aranha as part of…Andy3 August 2010
animated shortArchitectural Animation CG Animated Short: Going Green Going Green is a 4minute animated short created by Thiago S. Aranha as part of…Andy3 August 2010
Architectural AnimationSecond Life CG + Second Life Machinima Below is a promotional movie of the activity for public industrial-academic complex of Tokyo Metropolitan…Andy5 May 2010
Architectural AnimationSecond Life CG + Second Life Machinima Below is a promotional movie of the activity for public industrial-academic complex of Tokyo Metropolitan…Andy5 May 2010
Architectural AnimationArchitectural Visualisation Lumitectura: Light, Music and Architecture Lumitectura is a music video by barno about the relation of light, music and architecture.…Andy16 February 2010
Architectural Animation Metropolis: City Animation made entirely from Images Printed on Paper We are late to the table on this one but its so good that we…Andy15 February 2010
Architectural AnimationHistoricJeddahsquint/opera Restoring Historic Jeddah 'squint/opera’s' film for the redevelopment of Jeddah Central District describes a project of six million…Andy13 February 2010
after effectsArchitectural Animation Berlin Block Tetris The movie below was created using After Effects as a University project by Sergej Hein,…Andy1 October 2009
Architectural Animation Goodbye London by Luke Jackson We seriously love this one, not only is it a great track and based mainly…Andy26 June 2009
Architectural Animation Goodbye London by Luke Jackson We seriously love this one, not only is it a great track and based mainly…Andy26 June 2009