3dmaxCity Animation Megalomania: City in Total Construction Some city animations simply stand out - Megalomania is one of these stunning examples, perceiving…Andy19 July 2011
3dmaxCity Animation Megalomania: City in Total Construction Some city animations simply stand out - Megalomania is one of these stunning examples, perceiving…Andy19 July 2011
amvanimated cityCity Animationmusic videotimothy victor This is My City: AMV (Timothy Victor) AMV in this case stands of Animated Music Video, a scene where users mashup animated…Andy27 August 2010
3D CityCity Animationcity videocity visualizationmusic video Massive Attack: Splitting the Atom – City in Deconstruction Jean-Matthieu from Spot Image sent this one in - a superb video clip of Massive…Andy12 July 2010
3D CityCity Animationcity videocity visualizationmusic video Massive Attack: Splitting the Atom – City in Deconstruction Jean-Matthieu from Spot Image sent this one in - a superb video clip of Massive…Andy12 July 2010
City Animation Fragmented City The inspiring clip below was made by Tom Freitag as personal project based on an…Andy4 May 2010
after effectsCity Animation Greetings from Seattle: Visualising the City Greetings From Seattle from Ian Cox on Vimeo.'Greetings From Seattle', is a film not surprisingly…Andy28 January 2009
3dmaxCity Animation 3D Max: Balls in the City Following on from yesterday's post on particle visualization we turn our eye towards 'reactor' in…Andy11 November 2008
3dmaxCity Animation 3D Max: Balls in the City Following on from yesterday's post on particle visualization we turn our eye towards 'reactor' in…Andy11 November 2008
3D CityC3City Animation C3 Maps: Realistic City Models – Perhaps the Best 3D City so Far? We met with the nice people at C3 last week and they kindly provided a…Andy6 November 2008