ArchitectureCASA MResGISgiscienceMRes ASAVplanningSpatial AnalysisThe Bartlett MRes Advanced Spatial Analysis and Visualisation (ASAV) – Applications and Entry Now Open We are pleased to announce that Applications and Entry to our new course - MRes…Andy12 May 2010
Augmented RealityDigital GeographyGISgisciencePublications GIS and Augmented Reality in 2015 The last 12 months has seen a turning point in terms of bringing geographically aware…Andy5 February 2010
3D GISGISreal-time urban planningUrban Designurban planning Asset Tracking Anywhere 3D Master Planning Tool 3D tools for urban planners are too be honest few and far between. There is…Andy22 December 2009
3D GISGISreal-time urban planningUrban Designurban planning Asset Tracking Anywhere 3D Master Planning Tool 3D tools for urban planners are too be honest few and far between. There is…Andy22 December 2009
androidAugmented RealityGISgisciencemobile phone Worlds First Mobile Augmented Reality for Android: GIS in the City Combine GIS with mobile devices equipped with a digital compass and GPS and what do…Andy17 June 2009
FlashFlashNavigatorGIS Flash based GIS: FlashNavigator FlashNavigator is a rapid development framework, used for publishing geospatial (GIS and CAD) data with…Andy4 June 2009
GISSocial Explorer Social Explorer: Online Demographic Information Social Explorer provides easy access to demographic information about the United States, from 1790 to…Andy17 May 2009
GISLandXplorerLiDARVirtual London LiDAR Scan of London in LandXplorer The movie below details a 1 meter resolution scan of London using LiDAR (an optical…Andy5 May 2009
Flexible DisplayGIS Flexible Foam Display: Use for Geomorphology and GIS? Picked up via Engadget (we know we should be doing better things with our time...)…Andy24 February 2009
Flexible DisplayGIS Flexible Foam Display: Use for Geomorphology and GIS? Picked up via Engadget (we know we should be doing better things with our time...)…Andy24 February 2009