Tilt Shift PhotographyTilt-shift Miniature Tilt Shift Mini Cities – Scenes from a Rooftop Scenes from a rooftop from Paul Johannessen on Vimeo.Regular readers will know that we are…Andy3 June 2009
Tilt Shift PhotographyTilt-shift Miniature Los Angeles Tilt Shift Timelapse the east side of Los Angeles on a sunny day from clark vogeler on Vimeo.The…Andy12 March 2009
Tilt Shift PhotographyTilt-shift Miniature Los Angeles Tilt Shift Timelapse the east side of Los Angeles on a sunny day from clark vogeler on Vimeo.The…Andy12 March 2009
Little PeopleTilt-shift Miniature Little People in the City: Non Tilt Shift City Art (they really are small) Over the past few weeks we have been writing about Tilt Shift photography used to…Andy5 December 2008
Google EarthTilt Shift PhotographyTilt-shift Miniature Google Earth Miniature San Francisco: Tilt Shift We have been quite taken with fake tilt shift imagery recently - its a unique…Andy1 December 2008
Tilt Shift PhotographyTilt-shift Miniature Tilt Shift: Miniature City Videos Tilt-shift miniature faking is a process in which a photograph of a life-size location or…Andy20 November 2008
Tilt Shift PhotographyTilt-shift Miniature Tilt Shift: Miniature City Videos Tilt-shift miniature faking is a process in which a photograph of a life-size location or…Andy20 November 2008
Fake ModelTilt Shift PhotographyTilt-shift Miniature Create a Model Size City: Tilt Shift Miniature Photoshop Tutorial Tilt-shift miniature faking is a process in which a photograph of a life-size location or…Andy14 October 2008
Fake ModelTilt Shift PhotographyTilt-shift Miniature Create a Model Size City: Tilt Shift Miniature Photoshop Tutorial Tilt-shift miniature faking is a process in which a photograph of a life-size location or…Andy14 October 2008