3D CityCity EngineconwayGame of Life Voxopolis: 3D City via Conway’s Game of Life Build a 3D city using the rules from Conway's Game of Life and you've got…Andy2 February 2010
3D AgentsAgent Based ModellingGame of LifeSchellingSecond LifeSegregation Cellular Automaton and Agents in Second Life: Game of Life, Segregation and Evacuation Simulation The Game of Life is a cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician John Horton…Andy8 October 2008
3D AgentsAgent Based ModellingGame of LifeSchellingSecond LifeSegregation Cellular Automaton and Agents in Second Life: Game of Life, Segregation and Evacuation Simulation The Game of Life is a cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician John Horton…Andy8 October 2008