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Winston Churchill stated that “We shape our buildings and afterwards, our buildings shape us” (House of Lords, 28 October 1943) but does that remain true in a virtual environment where the community of people who actually use the buildings are able to modify them at will? In the movie below Jon Brouchoud of ‘The Arch‘ reviews some of the reasons why he remains so optimistic about the future of virtual worlds, and describe the fundamental characteristics he believes makes user-generated 3D worlds a game changing new standard every organization should be exploring – with or without a budget.

Jon kindly gave us permission to embed the movie above and as part of the team behind Wikitecture – possibly one of the most defining projects in the new age of collaborative virtual architecture – The Arch is always worth a look.

The discussion continues in a longer post on Jon’s site.

Of course getting organisations, architectural schools, planners, urban designers, students and all the other players in the city design process to use these new worlds is a still an uphill struggle.

These are however early days….

Winston Churchill stated that “We shape our buildings and afterwards, our buildings shape us” (House of Lords, 28 October 1943) but does that remain true in a virtual environment where the community of people who actually use the buildings are able to modify them at will? In the movie below Jon Brouchoud of ‘The Arch‘ reviews some of the reasons why he remains so optimistic about the future of virtual worlds, and describe the fundamental characteristics he believes makes user-generated 3D worlds a game changing new standard every organization should be exploring – with or without a budget.

Jon kindly gave us permission to embed the movie above and as part of the team behind Wikitecture – possibly one of the most defining projects in the new age of collaborative virtual architecture – The Arch is always worth a look.

The discussion continues in a longer post on Jon’s site.

Of course getting organisations, architectural schools, planners, urban designers, students and all the other players in the city design process to use these new worlds is a still an uphill struggle.

These are however early days….

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